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HomeAssociationsAPTech Elects Board and Executive Committee for 2021

APTech Elects Board and Executive Committee for 2021

07 January 2021: Last month, the Association for PRINT Technologies (APTech) elected its Board of Directors for 2021 and added to its ranks several new members, including five new printing and mailing members who join the four print service providers (PSPs) already serving on the board. Nick Bruno, CEO of Harris and Bruno International, was elected as Chair of APTech for 2021, succeeding Deirdre Ryder, CEO of VITS International who had a brilliant year as the 2020 Chair.

This exciting development, which brings greater inclusivity and diversity to the board, follows closely on the heels of news, announced earlier this year, of APTech’s newly established partnership with the Innovatis Group, one of the fastest-growing Association Management Companies in the US. They specialize in driving value through customer engagement and will work with APTech closely to identify ways to bring the print industry together.

At the association’s Annual Membership Meeting APTech President Thayer Long expressed his and the Board’s appreciation to the outgoing chair, “We want to thank Deirdre Ryder who selflessly devoted so much of her time and energy to help navigate APTech through this unprecedented time. As a result of Deirdre’s passion and leadership, APTech was able to persevere through a very unplanned year, and secured a strong partner in the Innovatis Group and a great platform for APTech to connect people in the industry.”

2021 Executive Committee, With Terms Expiring Year End 2021:
# Chair: Nick Bruno, Harris & Bruno International
# Vice-Chair: Steve Mattingly, Southern Lithoplate
# Treasurer: Gina Danner, NextPage
# Secretary: Gavin Jordan-Smith, Ricoh USA
# Past Chair: Deirdre Ryder, VITS International

APTech Board of Directors:
# Kevin Abergel, MGI
# Steve Antoni, Cloud-Lab, USA
# Michael Aumann, LasX Industries
# John Bracamontes, Acumen Studios
# Jon Budington, more vang
# Lisa Henrich, SupremeX
# Jacki Hudmon, Komori Corporation
# Cheryl Kahanec, Quantum Group
# Steve Metcalf, Baldwin Corporation
# Brent Moncrief, Image Craft
# Rick Neumann, IWCO Direct
# Erik Norman, Bolger
# Bruce Peterson, Colter & Peterson
# Steven Portrude, Harwill Express
# Steven Reny, Standard Finishing
# Robert Ross, Xante Corporation
# Andy Schipke, W+D
# Clint Seckman, Parkland Direct
# Warren Werbitt, ReelMotion
# Tom Wittenberg, HP

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