Colour Measurement Made Easy – A New Generation of Phone-based Spectrophotometer
22 December 2023: As Hemanshu Desai of Venus Infotech explains, Connect NIX Sensor with your Phone App (available FREE for Andriod and iPhone). Scan the Colour.
If you are in Single Colour Scan Mode, it will display Lab, RGB, CMYK, Density etc. In the Matching Colour Mode, it will show closest colour match stored in library. Yes, you can create your own colour library. In this mode, if the colour is out of the desired range (re specification) it will warn you. In the Quality control mode, it will compare Reference Colour Sampel with Printed Sample and show you the re.
“Started by a group of McMaster graduates, Nix Sensor in Hamilton designs, fabricates, assembles, tests and ships color measurement devices to customers ranging from Paint Companies to Print Industry. Interestingly, it is also used by metaulary usage by researches.” said Hemanshu Desai. Nix recently launched the Spectro 2, a fully functional low-cost spectrophotometer.
Nix has launched all 3 models. Nix Mini 3, Nix Spectro L and Nix Spectro 2, informs Hemanshu Desai. All are versatile can be used depending on customer’s need. All these are supported by Mobile App. He further adds those who wish to have PC based software NIX Print Pro is available on yearly subscription basis.
Features ..
– Match any color with a simple scan
– Create custom color databases
– Compare two color scans
– Measure ink density
– Compatible with Pantone, RAL and NCS True 31 channel spectral data
– Industrial, coated, aluminum enclosure
Further Details Contact .. Hemanshu Desai, Venus Infotech, Mumbai
Mobile: 98200 98906 / hemanshu@thinkprint.in