Homage: Industry Veteran Wilfried Kammann Passes Away
01 March 2022: The passing away of Wilfried Kammann on February 18, 2022 at the age of 83 is being mourned by the entire screen printing fraternity across the globe. An esteemed figure of the screen printing industry and a long-time supporter of ESMA, he joined the Werner Kammann Maschinenfabrik company, which manufactured screen and pad printing machinery, in 1961.
Fifteen years later, he founded Kammann Spezialmaschinen und Steuerungstechnik GmbH to concentrate on specialised machinery and the development of new printing technologies. The German company was known for providing design solutions for the decoration of containers and other applications using high-end digital heat-transfer techniques.
In 2015, at the general assembly meeting for ESMA in March, Wilfried Kammann had been conferred with the inaugural Honorable Ambassador award, during the 25th anniversary year of the European Specialist Printing Manufacturers Association for industrial, functional, and specialist screen and digital printing technology. In his acceptance speech, he had said, “I want to thank ESMA for the honour of the nomination. My career allowed me to accompany a few important phases in the history of screen printing. Based on these experiences it is foreseeable that many decorating requirements could best be fulfilled by a combination of screen and digital technology. A successful future will often only be reached in close cooperation of suppliers and manufacturers. In that context, I see the key role of ESMA as an excellent platform to bring people and technology together.”
As an industry veteran and inspirational figure, Wilfried Kammann will be missed by all. We pray for the soul of this dearly departed member of the screen printing industry to rest in peace.