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HomeAssociationsMoU between CUH, Mahendergarh and OPA

MoU between CUH, Mahendergarh and OPA

09 October 2021: Offset Printers’ Association (OPA) signed a memorandum of understanding with the Department of Printing and Packaging Technology, Central University of Haryana (CHU), Mahendergarh for establishing channels of communication and cooperation that will promote and advance the system of Printing and Packaging education. On behalf of the university the MoU was signed by Prof Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor, Central University of Haryana (CUH) and Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra, signed it as the nominee of Offset Printers Association (OPA). The MoU was signed with the witness of Prof. Sarika Sharma, Registrar, CUH; Dr. Rajesh Kumar Dubey, Dean SoET, CUH and Ashwani Gupta, General Secretary of Jalandhar Printers Association.

Speaking on the occasion, Prof. Tankeshwar Kumar, Vice Chancellor, CUH said that the main purpose of this MoU is to provide the training as per the requirements of the industry. Such efforts are necessary for the practical oriented research and to provide the updated knowledge to the students of printing and packaging at CUH. With this besides the education the students will be able to undertake industrial research and in-depth knowledge about the working system of the printing and packaging units, he said.

The Department of Printing and Packaging Technology started in the year 2016 under the umbrella of the School of Engineering & Technology with the aim to impart high quality and practical education to the students in the field of Printing and Packaging Technology. The department is currently offering B.Tech programme in Printing and Packaging Technology. 

Earlier introducing OPA, Prof. Kamal Mohan Chopra, said, academia must be the guiding force for the development of the industry. At OPA it is our mission to persuade the youngsters for adopting printing as a career. Under the project of ‘Print Chetna.’ OPA is the leading association to encourage the printing students by way of organizing ‘Print Olympiad,’ the first of its kind talent hunt for printing in the world. Education is the backbone for any success of the industry and with this collaboration it will be possible to train the students in future print technologies, he added. The doors of the industry are open to provide practical training as per the syllabus, OPA will ensure the practical training of the students in the factories of its members. Prof. Chopra added that he is thankful to the university because they are preparing the future printers.

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