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HomeBusinessRecruiters Indicate Positive Outlook for Hiring, says survey

Recruiters Indicate Positive Outlook for Hiring, says survey

31 December 2020: Recruiters Indicate Positive Outlook for Hiring, according to Naukri Hiring Outlook 2020. The survey saw participation from over 2400 recruiters across the country. 55% recruiters anticipate new jobs as well as replacement hiring to happen in the first half of the year while 26% predict new jobs only in the next six months.

Naukri Hiring Outlook is a bi-annual survey conducted amongst recruiters and recruitment consultants aimed at gauging hiring trends across companies and industries. The survey covers multiple aspects of job creation trends/forecasts as well as jobseeker behavior covering areas like job opportunities, increments, attrition level and availability of qualified job seekers amongst other areas.

“The Hiring Outlook showcases a positive sentiment with 55% of the recruiters anticipating hiring, both new and replacement, to take place in the next six months. Analytics emerges as one of the functional areas where 14% recruiters indicate hiring apart from popular roles in IT, Sales & Marketing and Operations,” said Pawan Goyal, Chief Business Officer

Jobseekers should remain optimistic for the coming year as 26 per cent recruiters foresee hiring bouncing back to pre-COVID levels within the next 3-6 months. The survey further revealed that while industries such as medical or healthcare, IT, BPO/ITES were less impacted, a few sectors such as retail, hospitality and travel struggled to cope.

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