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HomeDigital PrintingPRINT Awards 2020 Call for Entries – Competition is open to a Global Audience for first time in 40-year history

PRINT Awards 2020 Call for Entries – Competition is open to a Global Audience for first time in 40-year history

03 August 2020: PRINT has invited entries for the ‘PRINT Awards 2020’. The PRINT Awards 2020 program is presented by Adobe Dimension. Formerly known as the Regional Design Awards, the PRINT Awards have fresh focus on global inclusion. The deadline to reach the entries for the PRINT Awards is October 16, 2020. Student fees are capped for the entire entry period and entries to the Citizen Design Award and Adobe Dimension Design Award are free.

In 1980, PRINT’s Regional Design Awards competition was launched to show that outstanding design wasn’t limited to New York City and could be found throughout every region of the United States. Now, 40 years later, this prestigious awards program moves to recognize and celebrate outstanding design for the first time abroad.

This year, the PRINT Awards also launches a completely new category: PRINT Citizen Design Award. Designers have always been at the forefront of critical thinking around issues of social justice, community intervention, sustainability and human rights across issues and borders. This award, inspired by the dedication of designers to address vital causes this year, was added to recognize this work and celebrate design activism.

As the inaugural sponsor of this competition, Adobe believes that everyone has a story to tell and knows that it is ever more important to create a sense of community and shared wellbeing while amplifying positivity and celebrating creativity. The new Adobe Dimension Design Award will encourage entrants to create a unique piece of design in the form of a poster, web banner or marketing piece for print, web or digital channels using Creative Cloud software, Adobe Dimension and 3D.

The PRINT Awards 2020 Best of Show, Agency of the Year, Editor’s Choice, Citizen Design Award, Adobe Dimension Design Award and first-, second- and third-place winners in all categories will be featured on

In late 2019, the PRINT brand and were acquired by PRINT Holdings LLC, comprised of industry veterans Debbie Millman (Design Matters), Steven Heller (The Daily Heller), Andrew Gibbs (Dieline), Jessica Deseo (Dieline), Deb Aldrich (D’NA Company) and Laura Des Enfants (D’NA Company).

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