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HomeAssociationsPrint Dynamic MD Akil Contractor Addresses IFCA Technical Seminar held alongside PackMach Asia Expo 2022

Print Dynamic MD Akil Contractor Addresses IFCA Technical Seminar held alongside PackMach Asia Expo 2022

19 December 2022: Indian Flexible Packaging & Folding Carton Manufacturers Association (IFCA) hosted a technical seminar highlighting technology / issues related to packaging machinery manufacturers on December 9, 2022 at Bombay Exhibition Centre on the concluding day of PackMach Asia Expo 2022 which was held at Mumbai from December 7-9, 2022. The seminar’s keynote speaker was Chandrasekhar Rajagopalan, President, IFCA and the session was attended by 80-100 industry colleagues.

Akil Contractor, MD, Founder & Chief Innovator, Print Dynamic, Mumbai, spoke on ‘Expectations from the Packaging Machinery Manufacturers.’ His unique insights were appreciated by those gathered. Akil Contractor is lauded as a technical expert; his constant emphasis on innovation and numerous contributions to the printing ink industry have been earlier acknowledged at the national level by the Limca Book of Records, with him being honoured in the 2008 edition for the ‘Most Printing Ink Formulations.’ Print Dynamic has also been awarded several prizes at the Asia Pacific and Global level during events like SGIA and ASGA.

The speaker line-up also included B. S. Jolly, MD & CEO, Edelmenn Packaging India; Shyam Bhutada, MD, Krsna Packaging; Abhay Chandrakant Patil, President, Orient Press Ltd.; S. L. K. Srivastava, GM, Hubergroup and Shailesh Dharmadhikari, Manager, Manugraph India Ltd.

Indian Flexible Packaging & Folding Carton Manufacturers Association (IFCA) has since 1965 been pursuing through its multifarious activities to address to the needs of the industry and its members in particular. Promotional efforts of the Association are aimed at to provide opportunities to reflect the industry and create avenues to encourage R& D and related areas. The IFCA, since the recent years, also has been associated with National and International bodies to integrate its activities better and encourage industry – institutional facilities for information and data development, training, orientation and encourage “work together culture”.

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