DS Printech China 2021 to be held from 06-08 Aug ’21 in Shanghai, China
08 May 2021: Following the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the screen printing market in China has shown strong growth prospects. DS Printech China, running from 06-08 August, will continue to assist the industry to seize the business opportunities in this sector as it continues on its road to recovery. A series of digital solutions will also be on offer to complement the physical event and reach buyers who cannot attend in-person, providing added benefits to exhibitors. The three-day fair will take place at the Shanghai New International Expo Centre.
Market research by Reportlinker (Global Screen Printing Industry, Reportlinker, https://www.reportlinker.com/p06032841/Global-Screen-Printing-Industry.html?utm_source=GNW) suggests that the screen printing market size in China is projected to reach USD 1.2 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 21% from 2020. Meanwhile, automation in screen printing has reached new heights especially as the pandemic has increased the need for unmanned production and improved efficiency.
“Exhibitor recruitment has been in full swing since the beginning of the year and we are extremely grateful for the support of our exhibitors, particularly from the local screen printing sector,” Ms Wendy Wen, Senior General Manager of Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd explained. “As the domestic market forecast has shown considerable and steady growth, DS Printech China will present opportunities for these exhibitors to capitalise on the post-pandemic rebound. And we will also provide enhanced virtual solutions to support our international exhibitors who may struggle to attend the show due to ongoing travel restrictions, allowing them to stay connected and move their business forward, whenever they are in the world.”
The main Chinese messaging app WeChat will be employed once again as a digital business platform to allow exhibitors unable to travel to China to showcase their products and explore business opportunities prior to the fair. In addition, exhibitors can have access to digital marketing solutions including webinars and livestreams, together with a business matching service for further networking and brand exposure.
DS Printech China, an influential platform dedicated to the screen and digital printing industry, is a rebranded fair of two events: CSGIA and Textile Digital Printing China. The fair is co-organised by Messe Frankfurt (HK) Ltd., China Screen Printing & Graphic Imaging Association (CSGIA) and Guangzhou Teyin Exhibition Service.